Unlocking the Mystery: Reverse Engineering to Find Birth Time

Moon Reading

All this potential is present as the layers of the Natal Chart are peeled back. As I learn more about astrology I’m getting better at recognizing all the ways a birth chart can manifest in a person. Since the course is presented through a series of pre-recorded video lectures, each person is able to adapt it to fit their own schedule, and there are no specific times that students need to be available for the course.

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There is both an audio version and a video version of this episode available below. The audio quality on the audio version is better than the audio in the video version, but they are both the same in terms of content. Rectification is often regarded as one of the most difficult things to do in astrology, since it is essentially an investigative process that involves taking into account many variables. So, this is what appealed to me about learning the process of Rectification; more about the specific detailed process of calculation and accuracy and less about the astrological significance.

Pluto is so slow-moving that it doesn’t travel through all signs of the zodiac in the life of a human’not even close. The Sun, on the other hand, completes its transit of all twelve zodiac signs in approximately 1 year. Since Pluto travels only a few degrees of a sign each year, we can use its degree and sign position to determine the year of birth. Performed in the outpatient department, reverse vasectomy is not a lengthy procedure. The surgery requires only 2 to 4 hours after which the patient is discharged on the same day from the hospital after he returns to consciousness.

Sir, I have overdosed on Viagra 100.Which has caused urinary problem.There is burning and pain.Drops of urine all the time and sometimes a little blood.I have done kidney ultrasound which is also clear. Blood test and urine test are also clear.But the pain and irritation are not going away. The labels of houses and such are purely manmade nonsense though. I’ll start with a disclaimer — this is not a question about astrology itself, I’m neither trying to refute nor to defend astrology.

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you don’t know your exact birth time? Whether it’s for astrological purposes, medical reasons, or simply out of curiosity, not knowing your birth time can be frustrating. But fear not, there is a method known as **reverse engineering** that can help you uncover this vital piece of information.

The course is co-taught by astrologers Chris Brennan and Patrick Watson, and we draw on our years of experience helping clients to find their birth times. A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. From time to time, I’ve been asked whether it’s possible, given astrology data (such as the Sun, Moon, and/or planets’ positions by degree and/or sign), to figure out the date of birth.

Later sections of the course contain a number of case studies and recordings of live rectification consultations by Chris and Patrick, so that you can see how the principles are applied in practice in real life situations. I started working on this online “reverse search engine” and I would appreciate if you could give me any feedbacks. Using this Reverse Birth Chart Calculator you can find exactly what you are looking for.

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What is Reverse Engineering?

The first step is to zero in on a particular planetary placement. Because our calendar is a solar calendar, the Sun is in approximately the same place, give or take, each year. If you know the Sun sign and degree, then you can approximate the birth month and day, but not the year. If you have any doubts that your birth time might not be entirely accurate (and there can be so many reasons for that) then do consider a Chart Rectification. There is the field of archeo-astronomy where people try to date historical events from accounts of celestial events. Such things as supernovae can help to link seperate events to one particular time frame.

Reverse engineering involves working backwards from known information to deduce unknown information. In the case of finding your birth time, this could mean utilizing various clues and data points to estimate the time at which you were born.

How can Reverse Engineering Help?

When it comes to determining birth time, reverse engineering can involve a combination of methods such as:

  • Consulting with family members who may remember the time
  • Looking through old documents or baby books that may have recorded the time
  • Using key life events or milestones to make educated guesses

FAQs About Using Reverse Engineering for Finding Birth Time

  1. Can reverse engineering provide an exact birth time?
  2. While reverse engineering may not always yield an exact birth time, it can often provide a close estimation based on available information.

  3. Is reverse engineering a reliable method for determining birth time?
  4. While it may not be foolproof, reverse engineering can be a helpful tool in piecing together the puzzle of your birth time.

So if you find yourself in need of your birth time but don’t have it readily available, consider trying reverse engineering to unlock this valuable piece of information.

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