Exploring the Connection Between the Root Chakra and Hand Chakras

Wealth Manifestation

During both chakras play important roles in our overall energy system, they function independently of each other. Imperative to balance and align each chakra individually to ensure overall energetic harmony. By perceiving the unique qualities and characteristics of each chakra, we can work towards bringing them back into balance and promoting a sense of well-being in our lives. Our journey through the Root Chakra has led us to discover the diverse and holistic practices that can support our quest for balance, stability, and grounding.

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Many people are familiar with the concept of chakras, energy centers within the body that play a vital role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine and is associated with feelings of safety, security, and grounding. On the other hand, the hand chakras are located in the palms of the hands and are believed to be connected to our ability to give and receive energy.

If a chakra becomes blocked, there are ways to clear or restore balance to the affected chakra. Each chakra has specific attributes, such as a corresponding number, element, sense, color and more. The root chakra forms from conception through age 7, and imbalances in the root typically stem from unconscious fears about safety. Eventually, this energy can manifest as physical or mental illness, particularly if there are areas in our lives where we don’t feel safe being authentic. The body is like a pot, and the energy in the body is called the kundalini shakti (kundalini energy).

In Hinduism and Buddhism, chakras are focal points of energy, or prana, in the body. Many believe that chakra-based therapies may help boost health and well-being. For example, an authentic desire for a toddler may be the preference for apple juice over orange. One morning, the coffee shop is sold out of apple juice, so the parent gives them orange. When the toddler throws a tantrum among a crowd full of people to express their unmet desire, the parent becomes embarrassed and frustrated. Some version of this has happened to all of us as young children and we learned to compromise our less critical (yet authentic) needs or desires to secure attachment and survive.

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Their connection to specific aspects of health may relate to different nerve plexuses. Other traditions hold that there are thousands of energy centers but a few are the most important. In this system, spiritual or psychic energy from the subtle body influences the physical body and vice versa. This means that the status of a person’s chakras can shape their overall health and well-being.

Is the root chakra connected to the hand chakras in any way?

Physiological imbalances at this level tend to show up in the colon, bladder, spinal column, lower back, legs and feet. For example, a blocked root chakra may manifest as back pain, arthritis or a bladder infection. Activate this energy center by wearing and/or surrounding yourself with any shade of red, including pink. Others are said to be located at each joint, which make hands particularly useful channels for energy healing.

While the root chakra and hand chakras are separate energy centers, some believe that there is a connection between the two. Here are a few ways in which the root chakra may be related to the hand chakras:

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You can practice ujjayi breath (victory breath) for three minutes to enhance this process. Aside from our physical body, we also have a subtle body known as the energetic body. This energy comes together at powerful energy centers called chakras. Incorporate grounding exercises, such as walking barefoot in nature or practicing yoga poses that focus on stability and strength. Use meditation practices to connect with the earth and center yourself, bringing a sense of balance and harmony into your daily routines.

  • Grounding: The root chakra is responsible for our sense of security and connection to the earth. When this chakra is balanced and open, we feel grounded and stable. This sense of grounding can extend to our hands, allowing us to feel more connected to our environment and the energy around us.
  • Manifestation: The root chakra is also associated with our basic survival needs and our ability to manifest our desires. When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, we may struggle to bring our goals into reality. By working on the root chakra, we may improve our ability to manifest through our hands, whether it be through creative projects or physical tasks.


  1. Can balancing the root chakra help improve the health of the hand chakras?
  2. While there is no direct scientific evidence to support this claim, many individuals who work with energy healing techniques believe that balancing the root chakra can have a positive impact on the health of the hand chakras. By promoting a sense of stability and grounding, it is thought that the root chakra may indirectly support the flow of energy through the hands.

In conclusion, while the root chakra and hand chakras are distinct energy centers, there may be a connection between the two in terms of grounding, manifestation, and overall well-being. By focusing on balancing and opening the root chakra, we may enhance our connection to the energy flowing through our hands and improve our ability to interact with the world around us.

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