Discovering Your Dominant Planet or Sign

Moon Reading

His energy and his certainties regarding money are in general the winning assets helping him to obtain the things he covets, usually before he reaches his forties. Angularities are also processed numerically, which is more common, of course. The criterion is an orb of 15′ since it is when the influence starts to manifest. One of the major difficulties was obviously to balance the importance of all these criteria – quality, activity, angularity, rulerships etc. as delineated earlier. Though we all have ten planets in our natal chart, not all of them are equal. There are some planets that stand out and have a bigger influence on who we are compared to others.

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Since Taurus’ ruling planet is Venus, Venus might be your dominant planet. Instead, it’s the planet (or planets, if you have multiple) that holds a prominent position with the most aspects to it in your birth chart. Your dominant planet is different than your Sun sign and even your ruling planet (the planet that rules your Sun Sign or Ascendant). If the planet is the only planet in the hemisphere, then this can have a strong influence and therefore is considered a dominant planet in the chart.

Actually, caution and common sense dictate that the use of bonuses and penalties must be limited when dealing with rulerships. Indeed, the Volguine’s method is quite far-fetched and its distorted results are not confirmed by our experience. In a natal chart, dominant planets and signs indicate the native’s broad psychological profile and his traits of characters. While the people with star mercury have exceptional personalities.

This is to say that there are certain signs that feel more comfortable being on specific planets. Dominant planets in the natal chart have a lot of aspects to them and they are placed in a prominent position, such as conjunct the ascendant or the Midheaven. If you see the diagram, the zodiac sign labeled on the edge will be your rising sign, the planet ruling it will be described as your ruling planet.

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In the example below, you can quickly see the square that represents the relationship between the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Taurus. You can also quickly see which plants have more aspects than others. Some aspects are called hard aspects, such as the square aspect, and signify challenges, conflicts, or energy blocks. This is the most visible house highlighting your career, vocation, or status in the world. The all-important Midheaven or MC is the angle related to this house.

Have you ever wondered which planet or sign has the most influence over your personality and behavior? Determining your dominant planet or sign can provide valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and overall character.

Understanding Dominant Planets

If Venus is your dominant planet, you have an extraordinary gift for bringing out the finest qualities in everyone you come into contact with. Venus grants you immense allure and the ability to see and create beauty wherever you go. You have a commanding presence, a magnetic personality, and an impeccable sense of style. Solarians’ high levels of confidence often lead people to look up to them as leaders, and they can be quite successful in business and performing arts careers. Angular or cardinal houses are considered more forceful and therefore put more strength on the weight of the planet in it.

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In astrology, each planet is associated with specific qualities and characteristics. By analyzing the positions of these planets in your birth chart, astrologers can determine which planet holds the most sway over your life. The dominant planet is often the one that appears most frequently or prominently in your chart.

Calculating Your Dominant Sign

To determine your dominant sign, consider the zodiac sign that most of your planets are located in. This sign will likely have a significant impact on your personality traits and overall demeanor. If you have multiple planets in different signs, look for patterns or themes that may indicate a dominant sign.

Consulting an Astrologer

If you’re unsure how to calculate your dominant planet or sign, consider consulting with a professional astrologer. An experienced astrologer can analyze your birth chart and provide valuable insights into your dominant influences. They can also offer guidance on how to harness the power of your dominant planet or sign to achieve your goals and fulfill your potential.

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