Understanding How Selena / White Moon is Calculated

Moon Reading

On higherlatitudes, the error was greater for some cusps and for some time of the day.For latitudes extremely close to the polar circle the error could even becomegreater than a degree. Because the lunar nodes have to do witheclipses, they are actually points on the ecliptic of date, i.e. on thetropical zodiac. Therefore, we first compute the nodes as points on theecliptic of date and then project them onto the sidereal zodiac. This procedureis very close to the traditional method of computing sidereal positions (amatter of arc seconds).

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Where ayanamsha is the difference betweenthe two zodiacs at a given epoch. This is a ‘hypothetical’ planet inside theorbit of Mercury (not identical to the ‘Uranian’ planet Vulkanus). Note that the speed of this ‘planet’ doesnot agree with the Kepler laws. This hypothetical planet was postulated1946 by the French astronomer M.E.

Many astrology enthusiasts are familiar with the concept of Selena, also known as the White Moon. This point in the lunar cycle is not always visible to the naked eye but holds significant astrological meaning. Understanding how Selena is calculated can provide valuable insights into one’s birth chart and personality traits.

She is where we know without question that this is the way. She is where we feel blessed, where we are in touch with our guardian angel, where we feel protected. Black Moon Lilith, cast out of Paradise, was not protected.

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The house where your White Moon Selena is located may indicate the areas of life where you can focus on transformation and power. As Leo governs the heart, you can benefit from connecting to your heart and expressing love and affection. You can also harness your creative energy and express yourself creatively to help you feel stable and secure. You can brighten your inner light and share it with others to assist them on their own journey. You may need to work on being more self-aware, and this can keep you on the right track. The areas of life where you may focus your love and creativity most may depend on the house where your White Moon Selena is located.

Mars is all about individuality, being courageous, having physical energy, and taking action. It shows you’re incredibly determined when working toward your goals. ?’ You can get protection if you set high goals for yourself and pursue them, will be faithful to your principles. You can succeed in your career if your goals are important to the world. However, it would help if you did not forget your family, ancestors, and your homeland.

An altitude of 3000 m (e.g. Mexico City) may make adifference of more than 1 arc second with the Moon. The altitudes are referred to theapproximate Earth ellipsoid. It does not make much sense to use thisalgorithm for predefined sidereal modes. E)  The algorithm can be applied to any user-definedsidereal mode, if the ecliptic of its reference date is considered to beastrologically significant. If we follow this method, the wobblingeffect described above under (1) (traditional ayanamsha method) will not occur,and an object that has no proper motion will keep its position forever.

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The Calculation Process

Selena is determined based on the position of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth. Unlike the more commonly known Black Moon Lilith, Selena is a point that represents our innermost desires and subconscious motivations. To calculate Selena, astrologers take into account the Moon’s average speed and distance from the Earth.

Using Astrological Software

While some astrologers may manually calculate Selena using complex mathematical formulas, many rely on specialized software to determine this point in a birth chart. By inputting the date, time, and location of birth, the software can quickly generate the position of Selena and its significance in relation to other planetary influences.

Interpreting Selena in Astrology

Once Selena is calculated, astrologers can interpret its placement in a birth chart to gain deeper insights into an individual’s psychological makeup. Selena is often associated with emotional healing, intuition, and spiritual growth. Its position can shed light on hidden talents, fears, and desires that may influence one’s behavior and relationships.

In conclusion, understanding how Selena, or the White Moon, is calculated is essential for unlocking its astrological significance. By incorporating Selena into birth chart interpretations, astrologers can provide more comprehensive insights into an individual’s personality and life path.

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