Tools to Calculate Black Moon Lilith Aspects

Moon Reading

It’s the point farthest from the Earth, from us, from our eyes, from our culture, from our habits. When BML receives aspects, the planet which appliescalls us to deal with the nature of the specific BML, giving anopportunity for its elaboration, expression, and integration. Whentransiting BML applies to natal chart points, it brings up theunprocessed, unelaborated content from that astrological point. BML stays for 9 days on each degree, so her aspects in transit last about 18 days, considering a one-degree orb. In collective transits, BML speaks of the tone or of what moves thecollective deep down inside, indicating the instinctive undertone of aparticular period, reflecting a backdrop behind our words and images at agiven moment. It concerns what is moving the collective at the viscerallevel.

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If you are interested in astrology and want to explore the significance of Black Moon Lilith aspects in your birth chart, you may be wondering if there are any tools available to help you calculate these aspects. Black Moon Lilith is a point in astrology that represents our primal instincts and dark desires, so understanding how it interacts with other planets can provide valuable insights into our subconscious motivations.

They might expect full disclosure about all your thoughts and feelings, insist on constant communication, and get defensive about your relationships with others (especially if they don’t like that person). My Sun is exact-conjunct her Lilith, or basically, my personality is in her blind spot. I have the sense that I understand Lilith person better than she understands me, and I can tell from her sustained eye contact that she is fascinated and frustrated by her attraction to me.

In those cases, you should know that it’s up to you to decide what your body does, and that you have the right to choose. In the worst extreme case, your inhibitions will prevent you from developing your sexual life normally. Rather than endure sexual dissatisfaction, you would prefer to stay alone. In the best case you could transform yourself into a meditative ascetic, but always regretting not finding your other half. In terms of sexuality, you are able to achieve what set out for, and even hide your infidelities. You are quite dangerous since you can lose your head very easily, sexually-speaking.

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What is Black Moon Lilith?

But this certainly doesn’t mean that the Black Moon is our sore point; rather, it should be seen as our strength that can help us not only to accept pain but also to fight against feeling and being victimized. It teaches us to use our power against injustices, to make those brave and sacrificing decisions if they can lead us to a rightful place. Should any questions linger after your read, drop us a message on Born Under Saturn’s Instagram page.

The Lilith Sign Calculator is a tool created to assist people in learning their Lilith sign. And astrological point connected to primal instincts and hidden desires. Are you interested in learning your Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, Ascendant, and more? Most ‘planets’ just have their Right Ascension that can be converted into degrees in order to be placed on the birth chart, but as for Lilith I’m a tad confused. BASICALLY, if Lilith squares ANY planet on your chart (natal or synastry), that planet’s energy becomes compromised, or hijacked, by a power struggle. Planet-person might have handily accessed this planet before Lilith-person came on the scene, but once the relationship gelled, that planet’s energy became elusive.

According to your level of self-assurance and sense of purpose, your Lilith symbol might inspire you to feel either vulnerable or strong. As a bonus, Lilith’s disruptive and compulsive inclinations become clear when she is allowed free reign. The most authoritative source on anything astrology including horoscopes, calculators, compatability, and much more. Black Moon Lilith, often simply referred to as Lilith, holds a profound place in astrological interpretations. Rooted in ancient mythology, Lilith’s astrological significance is as complex and mysterious as the tales that surround her. As long as you expect to explore the relationship from darkened corners, and anticipate some disappointment and triggering, you’ll get something special from your Lilith relationship.

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Before diving into the tools to calculate Black Moon Lilith aspects, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what Black Moon Lilith actually is. In astrology, Black Moon Lilith is not a physical celestial body but a mathematical point based on the moon’s elliptical orbit around the Earth. It represents the shadow side of our personality, our repressed emotions, and the parts of ourselves that we deny or ignore.

With Lilith in synastry between natal charts, the attraction or relationship hooks onto a potential taboo, one that might be transformed by meeting our fear and shame through this other person. Depends on how the chart-holder actually feels about their sexuality, and whether there are other comforting synastry connections in place. In any chart (natal, transit, progressions, synastry), we tend to feel aspects made to our personal planets, a.k.a. the faster-orbiting ‘inner’ planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Harmonious contacts from Lilith to any of these would make it easier to value the experience from our interactions with Lilith-person. Lilith-based attractions and relationships point out the taboo or ‘disapproved of’ energy that you might explore in proximity / relationship with the other person. And from a ‘personal growth’ standpoint, if you were planning a self-transformation project, a Black Moon Lilith taboo might help you recover disapproved of urges, longings, and needing.

Tools for Calculating Black Moon Lilith Aspects

There are several online resources and software programs that can help you calculate Black Moon Lilith aspects in your birth chart. Some popular tools include:

  • AstroSeek: AstroSeek offers a free online tool that allows you to generate your birth chart and includes Black Moon Lilith calculations.
  • Astrodienst: Astrodienst, also known as, provides a comprehensive astrology service that includes Black Moon Lilith calculations in their chart interpretations.
  • Cafe Astrology: Cafe Astrology offers a variety of free astrology tools, including a Black Moon Lilith calculator that shows the position of Black Moon Lilith in your chart.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I interpret Black Moon Lilith aspects in my chart?

Interpreting Black Moon Lilith aspects in your birth chart requires an understanding of astrology and the specific meanings of each planet that Black Moon Lilith forms aspects with. You may want to consult with an experienced astrologer for a more in-depth analysis.

Are Black Moon Lilith aspects always negative?

While Black Moon Lilith is associated with our shadow self and darker impulses, its aspects can also bring about transformation and empowerment when acknowledged and integrated into our consciousness. It’s important to remember that astrology is not inherently good or bad, but rather a tool for self-awareness and personal growth.

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